My Bushlands story: Ann Quinton

My bushlands site has had various identifications since I bought it in 1985. I thought that no one had ever lived on it before. Now I have come to realise that the original people lived here for many generations, the Dja Dja Wurrung Peoples, when it was a gentle forested area with small creeks wandering […]

The Department of Environment and Primary Industry has included the 12 hectare parcel of public land “Chewton Bushmans Road MGF CAS028”, otherwise known as the Chewton Bushlands Reserve (starting at the corner of Commisioners Gully Road and Rankins Road) as one of it’s Proposed Planned Burning Sites for 2013/2014 (see map). While the formal submissions […]
Welcome to the Chewton Bushlands Association website

We hope this website can become a useful resource for bushlands residents… for conversations about life in the bush ( > Bushlanders, > The bush), as a record of the history of the subdivision ( > Bushlands history), as a point of exchange for offers to share, requests for help and other resident-only content ( […]
Blue Bell Creeper (Sollya heterophylla) weed

This spreading weed has been found in many places in the Bushlands and must be dealt with. Please see the picture below to help with identification and when you have identified this plant please remove it. The “cut and paint” method appears to be the most positive way to stop its spread. We have the […]
The Chewton Bushlands — from Crown Land to Subdivision

During the early settlement of Chewton and the surrounding countryside, it was soon realized that the land we now know of, as the Chewton Bushlands was not a very productive region. The prospectors, who came to the Forrest Creek area in the 1850’s to look for gold, quickly saw that there was none to be […]