Gary and Michael: 104 Miners Hut Road

In 1984 my then partner David Williams and I bought this unimproved block (then known as Lot 11 Wallaby Crescent) from its original owner Tim Crichton. Tim had recently become engaged, and his bride-to-be was not enthused about living so far from Melbourne; bear in mind that the Calder Freeway did not exist and the […]
The Cook’s Story: Tony and Laurie Cook

BUSHLANDS PIONEERS! It all had to do with the desire for a ‘Bush Block’, something a bit rugged, natural and unspoilt. Tony had always loved the bush and knew he’d know that block when he saw it and sure enough there it was Lot 16, 81 Miners Hut Road. It had the view, it had […]
18 Wattle road: The big clean up

Francesca and Jill. Well here is our little bit of history, looked around for land for 3 months or so after deciding the coast was too expensive and there were no train stations nearby. I loathe driving so a train was a must. My sister has lived in Bendigo for 30 plus years and Jill […]
Builder: Denis George

Denis George Phone 5470 5166 (Recommended by Cate Freeman) For any building work I recommend Denis George. He is a great all rounder. A worker of small or large miracles and is very conversant with the Bushlands. To see what he can do, drop by to my place 234 Goldspeck Gully Road anytime! He can […]
Thanks Jan!

On the weekend we were saved from a potential fire by the swift action of neighbour Jan Palethorpe. When passing the Chewton Cemetery she saw smoke. On checking she found it to be a smouldering log. One which could have very easily caused a fire. She phoned 000 and they were on to it immediately […]
Water Carrier: Warrick Harwood, Harcourt

Warrick Harwood Water Mobile: 0417 036 059 (Recommended by Michael Gillies Smith) Great guy. Great service. He rang me back the same day and offered to bring the water the next day. $160 for 13,000 litres. Warrick’s is a 13,000 litre water truck, perfect for the Bushlands gravel roads and driveways. Most of […]
The wild life around here is not so wild

So Jeremy and I were sitting there at the end of a warm day having a quiet ale when one of the locals drooped in for a drink. The level in the bowl was low so I thought – I’ll just top it up. Never did I think the echidna would lap the water as I […]