KZR Latest

December 2020 KEY POINTS > No exploration or mining company is allowed to come onto private property without written consent. > You DO NOT need to sign any agreement if you don’t want the company to enter your land. > KZR have assured the CBA that if you prefer the company does not come onto […]
Meet the miner: Kalamazoo Exploration Licence Application

Recently the mining company Kalamazoo Resources applied for a minerals exploration licence for an area of 218 square km, known as the Wattle Gully South Licence, that includes the Chewton Bushlands. If, like us, you’d like to know what Kalamazoo wants to do on our land then you can ask the company Exploration Manager Luke […]
Application for a gold mining exploration licence in the Bushlands

In May 2018 an application by Currawong Resources Pty Ltd was announced for an Exploration Licence under section 25 of the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 over land including the Chewton Bushlands. Click here for the Public Notice announcing the application. Click here for the Chewton Bushlands Association’s lodged objection. Click here for the Kalamzoo […]
Objection: Kalamazoo Exploration Licence Application
The CBA submitted the following objection to the granting of an Exploration Licence (noticed in The Age, 30th May 2018) to Kalamazoo Resources Limited, c/o M & M Walter Consulting, PO Box 8197, Subiaco East, WA. 6008 Application Number: EL006752 This objection is made by the Chewton Bushlands Association Inc., representing the community of the […]