Bushlands maps then and now

1860s Selwyn Map

Chewton Bushlands within 1860s Selwyn Map

1861 map of Castlemaine including Chewton

Connecting Country map of Chewton Bushlands
This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 21st, 2014 at 5:44 am and filed under • Bushlands history.
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Good morning. I am doing research into the arrival of my paternal great grandfather, Felix De Grandi, to a place called Kangaroo in the Castlemaine goldfields in 1855. It does not seem that this place now exists but I wonder whether the Kangaroo Road Chewton Bushlands noted on Google maps is connected? Hoping that you can help me.
Mant thanks,
Nan Ratcliffe
Hi Nan,
Unfortunately there’s no connection. Kangaroo Road was created and named in the mid 1970s along with Miners Hut Road, Goldspeck Gully Road, Lookout Ridge Road, Mt View Road etc by Brian Parsons when he created the subdivision now known as the Chewton Bushlands.