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KZR Latest

December 2020

> No exploration or mining company is allowed to come onto private property without written consent.
> You DO NOT need to sign any agreement if you don’t want the company to enter your land.
> KZR have assured the CBA that if you prefer the company does not come onto your property to explore for gold, they will not pursue an agreement.
> We are now actively documenting the environmental values of the area. 

Since our meeting with Kalamazoo in July last year a few Bushlands residents have been meeting to keep up to date on the exploration lease granted to the company that covers the Chewton Bushlands. 

In October we met with Brendan Sykes, CEO of Environmental Justice Victoria. With the benefit of his input we are now moving ahead on two immediate priorities. 

1. Describe our native plants and animals

We are doing this to explain how incredible our bush is. This builds on our earlier publication on Plants and animals of the Chewton Bushlands.

What you can do
We are looking for stamp-dated photos of local, native plants and animals we might have missed. To be included on data-bases photos need to be stamp dated and provide GPS coordinates. Any photo taken on a smart phone usually has this info embedded and we can help you find it.

2. Publicise KZR commitment not to pursue access to private land

No exploration or mining company is allowed to come onto private property without written consent. Consent takes the form of the property owner’s signature on what’s called a “Commercial Consent Agreement for Access to Private Land in Victoria”. It is a legal requirement that the company obtains a signed Agreement before they access any property. The aim of the document is to help the parties reach an agreement. If agreement cannot be reached, the case can be facilitated in different ways, such as through alternative dispute resolution and VCAT. 

What you can do
If you don’t want the company to enter your land, you do not need to sign any agreement. In the case of KZRs Exploration Lease 6752, the Chewton Bushlands Association has been assured by KZR that if you prefer that the company does not come onto your property to explore for gold, they will not pursue an agreement, per the written assurance that “should a landowner/lessee not wish to enter into a land access arrangement, the Company will take no further steps in that regard in respect to pursuing any exploration activities on that land.” So, if you don’t want KZR to enter your land, you should not sign any Commercial Consent Agreement with KZR. Just say no! If you are approached by KZR and are not sure what to do, feel free to get in touch, either though the Chewton Bushlands Facebook page or contact Kim on 0419 539 920. 

Background documents 

• The CBA letter to KZR following our meeting on 12 July 2019.
Plus a map the Bushlands area submitted for relinquishment.

• The CBA letter to the state Department of Earth Resources sent 22 July 2019.

• The letter from Kalamazoo received by email 1 August in reply.

• Here’s the article submitted to the Chewton Chat August 2019 edition. 

• A map showing the Chewton Bushlands area requested for excising. 

• The Code of practice for mineral exploration which KZR’s exploration activities are subject. 


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