We hope this website can become a useful resource for bushlands residents… for conversations about life in the bush ( > Bushlanders, > The bush), as a record of the history of the subdivision ( > Bushlands history), as a point of exchange for offers to share, requests for help and other resident-only content ( > Sharing — accessible to registered residents), and as a noticeboard for upcoming events ( > Events). All feedback, comments and criticisms will be gratefully received.
If you’re a resident and would like to post content and/or access the Sharing section then please register here as a Contributor.
After registering you will be emailed a username and password (which you can then change if you want) allowing you to login (either at the “Registered Contributors login here” link at the bottom left of any page, or when first going to any Sharing listing).
Once logged in as a Contributer you will be able to:
— access Sharing;
— add content; and
— choose to receive email notification of newly published posts.
Cheers, Mark
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