Bushlands fire advice, and roads and property numbers map

• Bushlands Fire Advice 2019-20 • Bushlands Roads Property numbers
Proposed burn update: Now for fuel reduction not asset protection

The bushlands reserve on Commissioners Gully Road is now subject to a proposed planned burn sometime between 1 March and 31 May 2017. The signs recently put up at the reserve read: “Planned Burning Operations in accordance with the Published Fire Operations Plan for the Murray Goldfields District are scheduled in this area between Wednesday […]
CFA Bushlands fire briefing December 2016

Antoinette Birkenbeil reports on the CFA Chewton Community Fire Meeting at Chewton Cemetery on Saturday December 10, 2016, attended by Kylie, Jim, Hannah, Tim, Ann Quinton, Glen, Chris, Fran, Jill, John Ellis, Karen, and four dogs, with CFA presenters Alan (from the CFA Community Education Group in Bendigo), David Button (CFA Chewton Captain), Barry Mousey (Second Lieutenant) and his daughter […]
Asset protection burn: Update

The proposed asset protection burn (triggered at the request of a neighbour) on the public reserve in Commissioners Gully Road didn’t take place, as listed, between 1 March and 31 May 2016. The Department of Environment and Primary Industry included the 12 hectare parcel of public land “Chewton Bushmans Road MGF CAS028”, otherwise known as […]
Controlled asset protection burn

The proposed burn did not happen in Spring 2015 as planned and outlined below. We await notification of a date in Autumn 2016. In the meantime this piece by Phil Ingamells in The Age (10 January 2016) on the limits of fuel reduction burns is really very informative: http://www.theage.com.au/comment/appreciating-limits-of-fuel-reduction-burns-vital-to-effective-fire-management-in-victoria-20160110-gm2o3t.html ——————— Antoinette, Karen, Steve and I walked […]
Controlled burn: Emails to DEPI
Dear Planned Burning at DEPI and Damien Drum, Re: Fire operations plan for the Murray Goldfields Fire District Proposed planned burning site: MGFCASO28 Chewton, Bushmans Road (12Ha) We live in Miners Hut Road at just under a kilometre due south of the proposed burn site. We acknowledge that controlled burns can play an important part in contributing to […]
Controlled burn: FOBIF email
Dear Friend of the Box Ironbark Forests, As we reported on www.fobif.org.au on July 19 and August 13, DEPI has released the latest modification on the fire operations plan for our region. Consultations are invited, preferably before August 31.We strongly urge you to show that the public is closely interested in this program by putting a submission […]
Thanks Jan!

On the weekend we were saved from a potential fire by the swift action of neighbour Jan Palethorpe. When passing the Chewton Cemetery she saw smoke. On checking she found it to be a smouldering log. One which could have very easily caused a fire. She phoned 000 and they were on to it immediately […]