Our 2022/23 AGM

The 2022/23 AGM for the Association was held on Saturday 26 August 2023 at the Chewton Town Hall. Your committee for 2023/24 is: Wayne Hollis (President), Steve Charman (Vice president), Antoinette Birkenbeil (Secretary), Karen Baker (Treasurer), along with General Committee members Charles Affleck, Bonnie Cassidy, Scott Hall, Hannah Nicholas and Margot Ryan. Click here to download a […]
Our 2021/22 AGM

The 2021/22 AGM for the Association was held on Saturday 23 July 2022 at Chewton Town Hall. Your committee for 2022/23 is: Wayne Hollis (President), Steve Charman (Vice president), Antoinette Birkenbeil (Secretary), Karen Baker (Treasurer), along with General Committee members Charles Affleck, Bec Howell, Bonnie Cassidy, Scott Hall. Click here to download the AGM Minutes as a […]
Our 2020/21 AGM

The 2020/21 AGM for the Association was held on Saturday 2 October 2021 at Chewton Senior Citizens Centre. Your committee for 2021/22 is: Charles Affleck (President), Wayne Hollis (Vice president), Antoinette Birkenbeil (Secretary), Karen Baker (Treasurer), along with General Committee members Bec Howell, Bonnie Cassidy, Scott Hall, and Steve Charman. Click here to download the AGM Minutes […]
Our 2019/20 AGM

The 2019/20 AGM for the Association was held on Saturday 5 December 2021 at 38 Miners Hut Road at 4pm. Your committee for 2020/21 is: Charles Affleck (President), Wayne Hollis (Vice president), Antoinette Birkenbeil (Secretary), Karen Baker (Treasurer), along with General Committee members Bonnie Cassidy, Scott Hall, Defah Dattner, and Steve Charman. Click here to download the […]
Meet the miner: Kalamazoo Exploration Licence Application

Recently the mining company Kalamazoo Resources applied for a minerals exploration licence for an area of 218 square km, known as the Wattle Gully South Licence, that includes the Chewton Bushlands. If, like us, you’d like to know what Kalamazoo wants to do on our land then you can ask the company Exploration Manager Luke […]
Our 2018/19 AGM

The 2018/19 AGM for the Association was held on Friday 12 July 2019. in the Chewton Town Hall at 7pm. Your committee for 2019/20 is: Charles Affleck (President), Mandy Huppert (Vice president), Mark Carter (Secretary), Karen Baker (Treasurer), along with James Atherton, Antoinette Birkenbeil, Deb Fulton, Paul Kerwick and Wayne Hollis. Click here to download the […]
Slow down on our dirt roads meeting

10 am, 20 October at Ken Savage’s place, 20 Wattle Road A number of Bushlands residents are concerned at the speed of traffic on our dirt roads, whether that of other residents, visitors or through traffic. Speeds over 35kph can put those walking, other drivers, and kangaroos and other wildlife in danger. Speeds over 35kph also quickly damage […]
Cinema in da bush is back!

Spring screening #1 Saturday 27 October from 8.30pm at Kim and Mark’s, 38 Miners Hut Road BYO beverage, popcorn and choctops. Short • Angel in the dust (5 minutes) by Bruce Armstrong Feature • Guardians of the Strait by Elphinstone resident and award winning film-maker Claire Jager Guardian of the Strait is a documentary feature […]
Winter solstice curry night 2018
• Where: Karen and Elton’s, 101 Park Road, from around 5.30 pm. A chance to catch up and warm up with neighbours in the Bushlands. • Bring a curry or something similar to share, and your beverage of choice. We have vegetarians and vegans and omnivores so looking to some innovation! Bushlands Curry night map
Native Plants and Animals of the Chewton Bushlands field guide launched

In the Castlemaine Botanic Gardens Tearoom on Saturday 17 March, 2018 about forty locals joined Landcare legend Ian Higgins in launching the field guide to 120 plants and 120 animals. Ian shared his knowledge and passion for revegetation and rehabilitation of the local natural environment. The guide was made possible through a Community Grant from the Mount Alexander Shire Council. […]
Zombie alert!

Series 2 of the zombie tv ‘Glitch’ largely shot around the shire is coming to get us. Take care around the intersection of Miners Hut, Goldspeck Gully and Wattle Roads this week.
CFA Bushlands fire briefing December 2016

Antoinette Birkenbeil reports on the CFA Chewton Community Fire Meeting at Chewton Cemetery on Saturday December 10, 2016, attended by Kylie, Jim, Hannah, Tim, Ann Quinton, Glen, Chris, Fran, Jill, John Ellis, Karen, and four dogs, with CFA presenters Alan (from the CFA Community Education Group in Bendigo), David Button (CFA Chewton Captain), Barry Mousey (Second Lieutenant) and his daughter […]
Understanding Fire in our Landscape

A Community Conversation was a community event held on the weekend of the 12-13 November 2016, in Newstead, a town in Central Victoria.
Our 2016/17 AGM

The 2016/17 AGM for the Association was held in the Chewton Town Hall at 7pm on Friday 6 October 2017. Chewton Bushlands Association 2016/17 AGM Your committee for 2017/18 is: Ken Savage (President), Kate Elliot (Vice president), Mark Carter (Secretary), Karen Baker (Treasurer), along with Charles Affleck, Antoinette Birkenbeil, Mandy Huppert. Contact the secretary of […]
Curry nights are back on the table

Set your alarm clock now for a mid-hibernation awakening to the imminent lengthening of days. The mid-winter curry night is back. Saturday 18 June at Ian and Robyn Robinson’s, 43 Miners Hut Road. To help them out with their preparations please RSVP asap to igar@bigpond.com. Rice and roti are taken care of but please rock up […]
Bush cinema by Bushlanders

Our second screening was on last Saturday February 20 at Mark and Kim’s. We watched two good docos… Wild Will / Doco / 7 mins Directed by Kieran Watson-Bonnice About an Australian boxer Harold: A portrait of Harold Blair / Doco Produced by John Moore This documentary reveals how Harold emerged from the Queensland Reserve system in […]
A dream has been realised!

Like our roads, the journey of A dream realised: Chewton Bushlands stories has been long, steep and rocky. But the book has now arrived. As the back cover blurb says: “In 1967 Brian and Merle Parsons purchased a parcel of land near Chewton in Victoria. A dream realised tells how Brian’s dream of creating a […]
Kundry’s seduction of Parsifal

Kundry’s seduction of Parsifal, the extraordinary love scene at the heart of Wagner’s final opera Parsifal, will be performed at Castlemaine Art Gallery on Saturday February 14 at 7.30 pm, Valentine’s Day. In a concert staging, US-born mezzo soprano Kristen Leich sings Kundry, the beautiful woman conjured up by dark forces to seduce and corrupt the unknowing Parsifal. Kristen made […]
Culling the creeper

Last February 23, 2014 a big push by a group of us really set back the invasion of Bluebell Creeper (Solly heterophylla) taking place in the North/East Bushlands. A further onslaught in November 2014 is planned and details will be posted here.