Rita and Peter van Benthem and family

Lot 29 Chewton Bushlands (2 Mount View Road) Right: Rita and Peter in their courtyard at Essendon 2013 In 1977, not long after the subdivision of the Bushlands estate into its 42 lots, there were not many occupants, legal ones anyway, in the area. On offer were still four of six lots with stone cottages available […]
Controlled burn: Emails to DEPI
Dear Planned Burning at DEPI and Damien Drum, Re: Fire operations plan for the Murray Goldfields Fire District Proposed planned burning site: MGFCASO28 Chewton, Bushmans Road (12Ha) We live in Miners Hut Road at just under a kilometre due south of the proposed burn site. We acknowledge that controlled burns can play an important part in contributing to […]
Controlled burn: FOBIF email
Dear Friend of the Box Ironbark Forests, As we reported on www.fobif.org.au on July 19 and August 13, DEPI has released the latest modification on the fire operations plan for our region. Consultations are invited, preferably before August 31.We strongly urge you to show that the public is closely interested in this program by putting a submission […]